Rackets Tap House Business Policies 


We do not permit smoking or vaping under any circumstance inside the Rackets Tap House Building. Smoking and vaping are allowed in a certain time frame on the porch. This time frame is subject to change, and any questions about this policy can be directed to the Manager.


Excessive noise such as yelling, screaming, loud singing, playing music from a personal device, or any other disruptive noise is prohibited on the premises. Guests who continue to create excessive noise after being asked to stop by Rackets Tap House staff will be asked to leave. 

Behavior and language

Racket’s Tap House is a family-friendly establishment that values the safety and comfort of its guests and team members. Any violent, discriminatory, or abusive behavior or language is prohibited. Failure to honor this policy will result in dismissal from the premises and/or the involvement of law enforcement. 


Any area of Rackets Tap House marked as “Closed” or “Employee only” is not available to the public, and should only be entered under express permission given by a Manager. 


Racket’s Tap House will record a waitlist if the maximum occupancy of the premises has been reached. Guests who arrive before the occupancy limit is reached will not be rushed or asked to leave. If you consent to place yourself or your party on a waitlist, you must be within 5 minutes of being physically present on the premises before your table(s) is given to the next person or party in line. Failure to be physically present on the premises within 5 minutes of notification will forfeit your spot on the list. 


Because our space is small and we do our best to have space for all walk-in guests, Rackets Tap House accepts reservations for 1-2 tables indoors, and 1-2 tables outdoors at any given time. Reservations can be made by calling ahead 2-3 days before the reservation is to take place. Reservations will incur a fee of $30 per party. IF the pre-arranged party does not claim their reservation within 20 minutes of its start time, the table(s) will be available for others and no fees will be incurred. 

If you have any questions about policies listed here or unlisted, please contact Management.